Contact Meredith's Healing Arts 516-456-7665
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In-person Individual Sessions
Group Workshops and Classes
Book Presentations/Book Signings
See events below
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Meredith's Healing Arts ...Enlightened wellness
Book your session to ease an emotional, physical, or spiritual issues.
Holistic Therapy fosters healing for mind, body and soul.
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Opening Hours:
By Appointment Only 516-456-7665
60 min * $125
90 min *$150
*sliding fees and packages available
*Submit your email below to receive $10 off your first session
workshops by appointment
payment: credit card, paypal, Venmo, Zelle, cash or check
Workshops/Events: *Handwriting Analysis and You! September 12th 11:00am-12:30pm Holistic Wellness and Detox Center. An interactive workshop: handwriting rereals your personality, psyche and soul! your analysis included! Register at holisticwellnessand detox CACAO and 7 Veils Belly Dance Workshop coming soon Soul Fire Social sound healing 7 Veils: mystical Secrets of the Feminine path to Enlightenment Join us for a spiritual belly dance workshop...for women seeking self-realization and transcendence through this beautiful ancient dance. Dance, drum, share cacoa and meditate in Sacred Sisterhood. I'll bring the hip scarves and veils. You bring your curiosity and friends. Candace and I will lead you into an in-depth journey based on Meredith's book 7 Veils: Mystical Secrets of a Feminine Path to Enlightenment. We welcome you with warmth and joy. call 843-295-2444 or go to Awaken Your Inner Goddess: A Joyful Belly Dance Workshop Saturday July 13th,2024 12:00PM-1:00PM ET $20pp Sun City HH Purrysburg Studio call 843-645-4515 to register (every second saturday of the month) MoreWorkshops for your Group: Meredith's Healing Arts workshops 7 Veils: Mystical Secrets of a Feminine Path to Enlightenment coming to Hilton Head *Dream Workshop…Explore the Origin and Meaning of your Dreams This workshop will take place at the Holistic Wellnesss and Detox Center Friday August 16th at 6:00-8:00PM call 846-707-7033 to register $45 *Finding Your Oasis…Dealing with Change *Let's Get Psychic and Intuitive September 20th 10AM-11:30AM Sun City HH call for details 516-456-7665 *Sacred Self-Awareness Workshop *"What's Love Got to Do with it”…exploring how to give and receive love deeply *Meditation Made Easy *What is Mind-Body-Soul Healing? *Sharing Soulful Stories in a Sacred Uncover Meaning in Your Life Story *Aging and Sage-ing with Grace *Handwriting Analysis and You *In Depth Wisdom and Healing Circle *Discover your Spirit Animal... Playing with the Medicine Cards *Which Goddess are YOU? The Feminine Face of God *Sacred Friendship...what is it, and how do you cultivate it? *Thinking Outside the Box: having fun with unanswerable questions Reach me at 516-456-7665 or
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